

Yikes is wise and funny.  She likes pecking shoes.

One of the biggest, Snowneck has a deep, grumbling voice and a huge appetite! She’s sweet and gentle, too!

She’s huge and strong! Her ambition is to hatch eggs… or never get another case of impacted crop.

Sleeve-Eater is calm and quiet. Her vocabulary largely consists of the words “hmmmm” and “booboop!”

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4 Responses to Introducing…

  1. Jane says:

    Congratulations on your new blog! It looks really good. I love your intro to some of the hens …. Looking forward to seeing how this blog evolves!

  2. Amri says:


  3. karla says:

    Very nice! I must change my bookmark so I won’t be cut adrift.

  4. Amri says:

    Of course, the old blog will still get occasional posts, too!

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