Our small propane-powered Swedish refrigerator (chosen because it’s silent!) is over-flowing in duck eggs. Our Easter Egger hens (Turtle and Kooshie) are five years old, and lay at a serene pace. Our Serama hens are forever broody. Our three female ducks each lay every day. Much as we enjoy duck eggs, we cannot keep up!
Our plight has inspired us to get going with selling our eggs. Our farm is located in a great area for having (eventually) a farmstand, but for now, an ice chest at the side of the road will do. Our bounty of eggs has stirred the coals of old dreams and memories in which sold produce and more when we found ourselves in abundance.
We can thank our ducks for inspiring us to bring our Plain Old Farm blog back to life.
If you live on our island and are interested in duck eggs, please contact us. We can give you a good price, and you’ll have the body-and-soul satisfaction from eating nourishing eggs from happy pasture-raised ducks!